Kenosha Foodies

Kenosha Foodies is a food club in Kenosha, WI that meets monthly and is hosted on a rotating basis by it's members. The idea is to cook and eat great food and have fun doing it. The host selects a theme for the evening and creates and prepares the menu. Anything goes. Pushing out of the comfort zone is encouraged.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sneak Peek!

Here is a little preview of what is in store for tonight!!

We are taking this opportunity to use my Grandmother's china. You will notice a blend of traditional and contemporary dressing of the table. The big black round thing in the picture is my attempt at Boston Creme Pie. The genache was perhaps a litlle warmer than it should have been when I topped it.

The brisket is browning as I write this. Boy does our house smell delicious!!!


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